Parish Experiences. Social Activity of Parish Priests, Parish Charity and the Question of the Revival of the Orthodox Parish in Russia in the Second Half of the 19th Century
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Parish Experiences. Social Activity of Parish Priests, Parish Charity and the Question of the Revival of the Orthodox Parish in Russia in the Second Half of the 19th Century
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Alexey Beglov 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article examines the experiences of two Russian priests, rural and metropolitan, who in the 1860s initiated projects designed to renew the life of their parishes. Both cases were related to social activity: pastors were looking for new opportunities to be useful to their parishioners. A priest from the Ryazan province, John Molchanov, began to give loans to his parishioners who were in a difficult situation. This practice existed in the pre-Petrine period but was forgotten in the era of the Empire. The revival of this practice indicates the urgency of the problem of small-scale credit in the conditions of the Russian agricultural economy. St.-Petersburg priest Alexander Gumilevskiy began to unite his parishioners to help the parish “ragamuffins” (oborvantsy), orphans, widows — the most vulnerable groups of the urban population, which increased numerically in the conditions of urbanization of the post-reform period. Despite their importance, neither the one nor the other experiences are not widespread. This happened, among other things, because even long-term and successful projects, both socially and religiously, required the approval of high authorities, and in the absence of it, they were threatened with closure.

history of the Russian Empire, history of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 19th — 20th centuries, history of the Orthodox parish, parish charity, loan and savings banks
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