The Didactic Teaching of John Locke in the Perception of the Enlighteners of France and Russia
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The Didactic Teaching of John Locke in the Perception of the Enlighteners of France and Russia
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Tatyana Labutina 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the problem of comparative analysis of educational programs of famous enlighteners of England, France and Russia, which is poorly studied in historical science. Based on the didactic writings of John. Locke, J. J. Rousseau, E. R. Dashkova, the author comes to the conclusion that their concepts had a lot in common. Since both Rousseau and Dashkova were well acquainted with the works of Locke, it is not surprising that the main provisions of his teachings were in tune with their own reasoning, especially since Locke's concept of education corresponded to the ideals of the Age of Enlightenment. Meanwhile, it is hardly fair to speak of the full reception of Locke's theory in the works of his followers. Both Rousseau and Dashkova contributed a great deal of originality to their national-based theories of education, becoming worthy successors to the teachings of their English predecessor.

18th century, Enlightenment, England, France, Russia, J. Locke, J. J. Rousseau, E. R. Dashkova, culture, education
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