Transformation of the Ideology of the Ikhwan Movement in 1914—1930: Development and Decline
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Transformation of the Ideology of the Ikhwan Movement in 1914—1930: Development and Decline
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Andrey Kudelin 
State Academic University for the Humanities
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Kirill Frolov
Affiliation: RUDN University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

This article examines the ideology of the radical movement in Sunni Islam — ikhvanizm, widespread in Arabia in the early 20th century. The Ikhwan movement played an important role in the unification of a large part of Arabia under the rule of the Saudi dynasty. At the same time, being at the first stage an ally of Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, later the ikhwans began to resist the modernization of the country and eventually found themselves in opposition to the head of state. The article deals with the periodization of the development of the Ikhvan ideology and the wings (radical and moderate) into which ikhvanism eventually broke up.

Arabia, ikhwans, Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, Wahhabism
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