England in the Fate of a Dynasty of Romanov: to the 100 Anniversary of Death of Nicholas II and His Family
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England in the Fate of a Dynasty of Romanov: to the 100 Anniversary of Death of Nicholas II and His Family
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Boris Petelin 
Affiliation: Cherepovets State University
Address: Russian Federation, Cherepovets

The investigation of murder of Nicholas II and his family continuing in Russia has caused new discussions about the purposes, character and other circumstances of the Ipatyev tragedy. What role in it was played by Great Britain which services attentively watched succession of events in Russia in the years of the First World War? London interested in performance of the allied relations by Russia sought to exclude any possibility of “the separate transaction” with Germany to which of aspiration the Russian Emperor was suspected. Addressing various publications on this subject, the author of article notes active participation of Britain in the key moments of the Russian history of 1914—1918. Official London wasn't engaged in revolutionary promotion in Russia, but his opinion had impact on the Russian generals who have made a plot against the Supreme Commander. Refusal of Great Britain of the initial consent of the English king George V to moving of Nicholas II and his family as the author considers, couldn't but affect their future.

The First World War, Great Britain, Russia, Nicholas II, renunciation of a throne, February revolution, fate of the Emperor
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