King Gustav I Vasa and the Tudors: the Origins of Anglo-Swedish Relations
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King Gustav I Vasa and the Tudors: the Origins of Anglo-Swedish Relations
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Alexander Kiselev 
Affiliation: Volgograd State University
Address: Russian Federation, Volgograd

The origin of relations between Sweden and England was not the subject of special study in the historiography earlier. This topic has always been viewed as an episodic event of the Swedish foreign policy of the age of Gustav I Vasa in the context of the struggle for hegemony in the Baltic. The purpose of this article is to identify the features of early Swedish-English contacts during the reign of Gustav I Vasa. The contacts of England and Sweden need to be researched only in the context of relations with the Hanseatic League, Denmark and Russia. Therefore, the author researched the letters of the Tudor and Vasa monarchs, the letters of the Hanseatic League, the Muscovy Company, Venetian and Spanish diplomats at the English court, English and Russian medieval chronicles. The early relations between Sweden and England were one-sided and situational. Seeking to introduce his country into the circle of great powers, the Swedish king Gustav I Vasa showed great interest in establishing trade and political ties with England. There was no such interest from the English side. Even the signing of the first Anglo-Swedish trade agreement of 1550 took place because English king really needed allies among the Protestant states of Northern Europe. But this situation lasted until 1553, when the Protestant king Edward VI was replaced on the throne by the Catholic queen Mary Tudor. The validity of trade agreements was extended later, but England had no more interest in a political alliance with Sweden. Unfortunately, historians do not have statistical materials on the volume of the Swedish-English trade of the 16th century. But since the validity of trade agreements was extended several times, it can be concluded that mutual interest existed.

Sweden, England, Russia, Baltic, Hanse, Gustav I Vasa, Tudors
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