Lawrence Squibb’s Exchequer Manuscript
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Lawrence Squibb’s Exchequer Manuscript
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Yulia Tsareva 
Affiliation: RANEPA University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the study of one particular source, the consideration of historical events that preceded its creation, clarification of its purpose and genre identity. Lawrence Squibb was twice appointed to the office of Teller of the Court of Receipts: in 1641 — before the English Civil War — and after the restoration of the Stuarts, in 1660. Manuscript of Lawrence Squibb captures the process of further institutionalization of the Treasury. The structure of the Exchequer before the Interregnum did not just continue to change, but its control and audit function was strengthened, and due to the expansion of job descriptions, new sources of income were included in the country's financial system.

England, royal prerogatives, Parliament, Exchequer, Treasurer, Officers, Court of Accounts, Court of Receipt
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