Photos of the Nikolay Romanov Family from Siberian Collections as a Reflection of the Image of the Monarchy
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Photos of the Nikolay Romanov Family from Siberian Collections as a Reflection of the Image of the Monarchy
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Olga Naumenko 
Affiliation: Yugra State University
Address: Russian Federation, Khanty-Mansiysk
Yevgeniy Naumenko
Affiliation: Yugra State University
Address: Russian Federation, Khanty-Mansiysk

The article considers the perception of the image of the Nikolay Romanov Family in Siberia. According to the authors, Nicholas II and his wife Maria Fyodorovna formed an image that is largely characteristic of European constitutionalism, and not for Russian absolutism. The government distributed the both images of the Romanovs through postcards, which were published in millions of copies. The analysis of archival funds, postcards and photographs from the Museum collections showed that the “European” image of the monarchy was not popular in Siberia, and the society was guided by traditional images that emphasized the sanctity of power. However, the new image of the Russian monarchy was formed naturally, it had historical background. In 1917 this contradiction created a “historical trap” for the Romanovs, which they could not overcome.

photos, postcards, Romanovs, absolutism, Russia, image of monarchy, Siberia, Rasputin
Источник финансирования
The reported study was funded by RFBR and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, project number 19-49-890002.
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