The Island that Had not Submitted to the Enemy: Malta’s Heroic Defence During World War II
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The Island that Had not Submitted to the Enemy: Malta’s Heroic Defence During World War II
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Evgeny Sergeev 
Affiliation: State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The paper seeks to cover one of the less-known pages of WWII for the Russian reader — namely the defence of the British island fortress of Malta from the Italian-German troops’ onslaught in 1940—1943. It primarily focuses on highlighting the daily strenuous efforts by the garrison and the civilians of the archipelago to prevent enemy landing, survive under nearly constant bombardment, as well as to ensure this important naval and airbase’s smooth functioning  in the mid of the Mediterranean theatre of warfare. The author shows the close interdependence of the developments in Malta with the changing situation on the Soviet-German front, especially during the Stalingrad battle. The article commemorates the 75th anniversary of the victory over fascism in the last world war of the mankind.

World War II, Mediterranean theatre of war, defence of the Maltese Archipelago
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