The Difficult Route to the Treaty of Moscow between the Soviet Union and the West Germany
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The Difficult Route to the Treaty of Moscow between the Soviet Union and the West Germany
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Alexey Filitov 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article explores the course of the Soviet-West German negotiations leading  to the conclusion of the Moscow Treaty of August 12, 1970, which became a crucial  milestone in the process of détente in Europe and paved the road to the dismantling of  the cold war  complexes. The author depicts the both sides’ initial positions and elucidates the main stages of the negotiating process (the meetings between the Soviet Foreign Minister, Andrey Gromyko, and FRG ambassador, Helmut Allardt, in December 1969, three tours of the former’s talk with Willy Brandt’s personal  emissary, State Secretary in Federal Chancellor’s Office, Egon Bahr in January, February- March and May, 1970 ). He explains  how both sides succeeded in finding out —  by the way of mutual concessions and compromises — the sometimes unconventional solutions which reflected the balance of interests between two states. Due attention is paid to the “GDR factor” in the normalization of the international situation on the European continent. The article is based primerily on the previously untapped files stored in the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation  supplemented by the published documents on the FRG foreign relations, memoires’ evidence and the sources from the recent research works.

The USSR, The FRG, The GDR, West Berlin, The Oder-Neisse line, The Treaty of Moscow (1970), detente, A. N. Kosygin, W. Brandt, A. A. Gromyko W. Scheel, V. M. Falin, E. Bahr
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