Logic of L’état Moderne
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Logic of L’état Moderne
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Sergey Fyodorov 
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Since the 1980s the concept of “État Modernе” (Modern State) gained more and more ground in the Western historiography, and conventional statist concepts came in for severe criticism. The debate centered around not only general approaches concerning continuity of political processes from Antiquity to Modern times, but also around more specific issues, which, nevertheless, required serious reconsideration. The author concentrates on some ways (logics) which contributors to both État Moderne and the Modern State projects had developed in last decades of the 20th and in the beginning of 21th centuries. Nevertheless remained within the limits of the earlier theories and assumptions (theleogically orientated state and state-centered research), they rarely questioned the traditional top-down model and did not recognize the importance of local (almost corporate) and individual initiatives for statebuilding from the Late Middle Ages to the 19th century as well as denied the fact that the latter were part of developing political systems since the emergence of the representative institutions.

Western Europe of the 14th — 18th Centuries, state building, “modern state”, western historiography
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