Political Views of the 13th Century Parisian Preachers
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Political Views of the 13th Century Parisian Preachers
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Oksana Savelier 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is dedicated to the political ideas of the 13th century Paris clergy, notably the ideas of clerics who studied in different years at the university of Paris. This period is reasonably associated with the rapid development of scholasticism and rationalism. The Sorbonne played a significant role in this process. Being in the center of discussions and conflicts, the university was gradually reconsidering some well-established political ideas. The most famous thinker of the 13th century who for some time was a part of this community was Thomas Aquinas whose works are still eagerly studied. However, the texts of many of his contemporaries are often deprived of well deserved attention. In particular, this concerns sermons and related sources. The aim of this study is to partially fill this gap and to broaden our perception of the worldview of the 13th century university clergy and of the then society in general.

political views, common good, 13th century Paris, Sorbonne, sermons, Thomas Aquinas, Ranulphe de la Houblonnière, Bonaventura, Peter John Olivi
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