Conciliarism in Theory and Practice of Legal Institutions and Administration in England in the 11th — 16th Centuries
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Conciliarism in Theory and Practice of Legal Institutions and Administration in England in the 11th — 16th Centuries
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Anastasia Palamarchuk 
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The Definition of «Etat Moderne» as a process of legitimation and implementation of emerging changes in practice of central and local administrative structures is taken as a conceptual basis of the present article. The history of multiple сonciliar institutions in England in the 11th — 16th centuries vividly illustrates this process and presents peculiar features of Etat Moderne: depersonalization of actors, bureaucratization and prior formalization of institutional activities; and, finally, contractualization (emrgence of councils as places of negotiating corporate contracts). The article considers several historical forms of conciliar institutions and their influence on developing group and corporate identities.

Conciliarism, council, Etat Moderne, administration, monarchy, England
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