Russian Catholic Church in Manchuria: Sources in the Polish Archives
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Russian Catholic Church in Manchuria: Sources in the Polish Archives
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Kseniia Rodionova 
Affiliation: Far Eastern Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Vladivostok

Readers are presented with a review of sources from the archives of the Republic of Poland devoted to the work of the mission of the Roman Catholic Church among Russian emigrants in Manchuria. Among the sources are documents of state and confessional archives, diaries and memoirs of contemporaries of events. In 1928, a diocese for Russian Catholics, the Russian Catholic Diocese of the Byzantine-Slavic rite in Manchuria, was created on the territory of the former exclusion zone of the Chinese Eastern Railway (Special Region of the Eastern Provinces of China, ORPP). She has been active for 20 years. The publication presents evidence (archival and memoirs) about the life of the Roman Catholic Church in Northeast China. The purpose of the publication is an attempt to acquaint the Russian scientific community with sources in state, confessional archival funds and private collections located in the Republic of Poland.

Catholicism, Harbin, CER, Manchuria, Russian emigration, Eastern rite
Источник финансирования
The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 19-39-90048\19.
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