Knights vs. Courtiers on the Threshold of the Early Modern Times: Strangers or Locals?
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Knights vs. Courtiers on the Threshold of the Early Modern Times: Strangers or Locals?
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Yulia Krylova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article considers the question of the internal unity of the social group of nobility at the end of the Middle Ages. The analysis of one fragment from the autobiographical text “Le Jouvencel”, written by the captain and approximate of the French kings of the second half of the 15th century, Jean de Bueil, indicates the serious tension that existed within the group. The study shows that this could be facilitated by the most important political and socio-cultural changes in society at the turn of the two epochs: the strengthening of royal power, the formation of a system of early Absolutist state; the development of the court and court culture; the king’s ennoblement of roturiers, who joined the ranks of nobility with their own mentality of the former group; as well as the army reform including the rapid development of artillery. Using the example of an imaginary dialogue, the author feels anxiety about the fate of the old nobility. He substantiates not only the necessity and irreplaceability of chivalry with its inherent ethical principles, but also shows the danger for a worthy person’s honor to spend time at court.

France, Middle Ages, early Modern Times, nobility, chivalry, court, anti-courtier literature, war, military
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