Nobles Meet a Ruler: Descriptions of the Acts of Adventus Domini in the Works of the Ottonian Historiographers
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Nobles Meet a Ruler: Descriptions of the Acts of Adventus Domini in the Works of the Ottonian Historiographers
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Anastasia Anufrieva 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

In this article is analyzed a range of testimonies of the ottonian historiographers about ceremonial entries of ruler in the city. Describing that ritual authors could set in their own way accents in the “symbolical dialogue” between a sovereign and nobles who met him. Considering the differences in approaches to such description in the works of some authors, we try to establish who of them “constructing” in their texts scenes of public representation of power acted just like a loyal implementers of the ruler’s wish and who expressed interests of a particular group of nobles from specific point of view.

Otto I, political rituals, adventus domini, nobles, Ottonian Italian politics, Liutprand of Cremona, Widukind of Corvei, Hrotsvith of Gandersheim, Adalbert of Magdeburg
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