Specialists in Kazakh Сulture of the Petersburg’s Kunstkamera: Vadim Petrovich Kurylev (1928—2008) and His Museum and Scientific Heritage
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Specialists in Kazakh Сulture of the Petersburg’s Kunstkamera: Vadim Petrovich Kurylev (1928—2008) and His Museum and Scientific Heritage
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Inga Stasevich 
Affiliation: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The article is devoted to Vadim Petrovich Kurylev, researcher of the MAE RAS. He was the head of the Department of Ethnography of Central Asia from 1983 to 2002. The author sequentially considers the activities of V. P. Kurylyov both in the scientific and in the museum sphere. The analysis of his scientific heritage was carried out against the background of the history of the formation of the ethnographic study of the Kazakhs in the St. Petersburg Kunstkamera. The area of scientific interests of V. P. Kurylev is directly related to the main priority areas of Russian science of that time. He actively elaborated the topics of community land relations, social organization of traditional and modern Kazakh society. Field work was one of the most important areas of Kurylev’s scientific activity; he introduced a significant body of field ethnographic materials. The scientific heritage of the Soviet time is being reevaluated now. From the second half of the 20th century humanitarian science begins to recognize the value of a modern source, the everyday life of an ordinary person becomes an object of close study. We have an idea of the ritual and everyday life of peoples during the modernization of the traditional way of life due to researchers of the Soviet time. Despite the ideological orientation of many of their works, they were able to create and maintain for us an excellent base of sources. V. P. Kurylev is a prominent member of the Leningrad school of studying the ethnography of Central Asian peoples, based on strong scientific traditions laid down in the times of V. V. Bartold, V. V. Radlov, A. N. Samoilovich, I. I. Zarubin.

MAE RAS, V. P. Kurylev, ethnography, Kazakhstan, history of science
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