Сhance Events as the Best Content for the Academician E. N. Pavlovsky Photography’s (Archive Documents of the Tajikistan National Academy of Sciences)
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Сhance Events as the Best Content for the Academician E. N. Pavlovsky Photography’s (Archive Documents of the Tajikistan National Academy of Sciences)
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Larisa Dodkhudoeva 
Affiliation: Donish Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Tajikistan National Academy of Sciences
Address: Tajikistan, Dushanbe

Academician E. N. Pavlovsky (1884—1965) was famous Russian Soviet scholar, who made a great contribution to the world epidemiology and immunology. He undertook extensive fieldwork studies in different parts of the USSR and Iran, in particular in Tajikistan. He was a director of the Tajik Filial of the USSR Academy of sciences (1941—1951). While E. N. Pavlovsky was a prolific researcher, he was not a professional photographer but his pictures are an important evidences of Samarqand life, Zarafshan local community (1908) and social changes in Tajikistan in 1936—1937. His approach to photography subject was influenced by chance events. Therefore, there are many Samarqand street photos in the collection of the A. Donish Institute of History, Archaeology & Ethnography, Tajikistan National Academy of sciences. Besides of these images, there are a lot of portraits, landscapes, details of architectural design and everyday life episodes made by him in Tajikistan (in total 29 examples). His photo collection remains as a transdisciplinary dialogue between science and visual culture.

Е. N. Pavlovsky, expedition, photography, Tajikistan, collection, content, Таджикистан, Samarqand, Zarafshan, Yagnob
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