Conservative Turn in the Culture of the Interwar Years
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Conservative Turn in the Culture of the Interwar Years
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Ekaterina Grantseva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

One of the most significant contradictions, reflecting the cultural dynamics of the first half of the twentieth century on a global scale, was expressed in a complex interaction and the next phase of the dispute between innovations and traditions, avant-garde aspirations and conservative values, reflection of the chaos of being and the pursuit of order. The article discusses the origins, prerequisites, characteristics and manifestations of a conservative turn in the culture of the interwar years, analyzes the components of the call to order, the forms of its implementation, internal and external factors that influenced the formation of new cultural attitudes and formed the image of modernity based on a combination of traditionalist and modernist components.

conservative turn, avant-garde, culture, modernism, totalitarian art, a call to order, cultural transformations, interwar years
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