The German Army in 1918/1919: from Failed Neutrality to the Practice of Radical Conservatism
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The German Army in 1918/1919: from Failed Neutrality to the Practice of Radical Conservatism
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Konstantin Sofronov 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The end of World War I and the revolutionary events in Germany became a challenge for the Army High Command and the entire officer corps. The need for permanently make choices in conditions of political uncertainly made it impossible to realize the idea of army neutrality. This, in turn, turned the armed forces from an instrument of foreign policy into a full-fledged subject of internal political changes. The process of self-identification was accompanied by the development of a new model of behavior that determined the nature of relations between military circles and the state in the first months of the birth of the Weimar Republic.

National-Socialism, conservatism, anti-Semitism, Versailles Treaty, bolshevism, generals, officer corps, High Command, Soldier’s Councils, the Reichswehr, the Weimar Republic
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