The Failed “Right-Wing March” of the Parliamentary Parties: Bulgaria and Romania in the Inter-War Period
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The Failed “Right-Wing March” of the Parliamentary Parties: Bulgaria and Romania in the Inter-War Period
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Arutyun Ulunyan 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article dwells on the stages in the inter-war development of the right-wing parliamentary spectrum in two Balkan states, namely in Bulgaria and Romania. The author's conclusion is that due to the complex of existed peculiarities in the socio-political development of both countries during the 20s — 30s of the 20th century no strong right-wing parliamentary political parties capable of resisting radical and authoritarian forces have been established. The formation of the latter took place on the verge of confrontation between the right and left spectrum of the political life in Bulgaria and Romania. This gave them a chance to present themselves in the socio-political space as a kind of “third” force, which differed from the so-called traditional parties that existed within the framework of existed party systems.  The article draws particular attention to fluctuations in the degree of support for the right-wing parties, whose “grassroots electorate” gradually refused to view them as reflecting their interests.

Bulgaria, Romania, right-wing parties, inter-war period, parliamentary system
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