The Evolution of the Strategy and Tactics of the Colombian Conservative Party (1849—2020)
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The Evolution of the Strategy and Tactics of the Colombian Conservative Party (1849—2020)
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Zbigniew Iwanowsky 
Institute for Latin American Studies
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

In this article, the author analyses the evolution of the strategy and tactics of the Colombian Conservative Party. Its history has three stages: the aspiration for political hegemony and ideological intolerance for liberals, which caused civil wars; the period of the parity system of the National Front, when the ideological differences between liberals and conservatives were disappearing; and the transformation of the bipartisan system into a multiparty one, forcing the Conservative Party to take more pragmatic positions and to support the party in power. Now this party represents a vertical section of society, at the end of the past and at the beginning of this century, the social component has noticeably increased in the political discourse of conservatives. Despite the heterogeneity and fuzziness of ideology, the party maintains the continuity of many principles. Some of them in modern society acquire the features of fundamentalism.

Colombia, Colombian Conservative Party, strategy, tactics, ideology, party systems, government, social base
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