Novgorod Cadaster Materials of the late 15th — the 17th Centuries in the Collection of E. V. Barsov at Department of Written Sources of the State Historical Museum
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Novgorod Cadaster Materials of the late 15th — the 17th Centuries in the Collection of E. V. Barsov at Department of Written Sources of the State Historical Museum
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Alexey Frolov 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article studies a complex of cadaster documents relating to the Novgorodian Land from the collection of E. V. Barsov, stored in the Department of Written Sources of the State Historical Museum, Moscow (collection no. 450). These documents are attributed and possible ways of their accumulating in the collection are considered. The collection comprises two fragments of the cadaster book of the late 15th century (Shelonskaya pyatina) published by A. A. Zimin, the final part of the “sotnaya” excerpt from the cadaster book of the 1620s in the Charonda region, a cartulary of the Alexander on Svir’ Monastery, and a fragment of the original cadaster book by Fedor Kushelev of 1550/1551 (previously not known). The sheets of the Shelonskaya book were most likely lost in the Archaeographic Commission when the book was being prepared for publication in the series “Novgorod cadaster books” (volume V). The cartulary was probably received from the monastery archive. The “sotnaya” excerpt was most likely acquired from Novgorod, where it was transferred from Moscow, from the office of the Palace Chancery. The most mysterious is the origin of the sheets from the book by F. Kushelev of 1550/1551. The corresponding text is published in the appendix to the article. The observations made in the article are important for further study of the history of Russian cadater books and their ways into private collections.

Novgorod cadaster books, codicology, private collections of manuscripts, Department of Written Sources of the State Historical Museum, archival history
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The study was supported by Russian Foundation of Basic Research, project № 18-09-00189A.
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