Dolor Medicina Doloris. Pain in Medical Literature of the 16th Century
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Dolor Medicina Doloris. Pain in Medical Literature of the 16th Century
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Berger Elena 
Institute of World History RAS
Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

Before the invention of anesthesia the physicians elaborated a long tradition of description of pain as a sign of illness, its classification according to intensity, localization and duration. This tradition was created by works of Knidos medical school in ancient Greece and later by Galen. Using the examples of curing headache and gunshot wounds the author analyses the methods of Ambroise Paré who made several attempts to minimize pain during surgical operations. He reduced considerably the sphere of iatrogenic pain by removing the combustion from the list of standard operations. Paré also argued that such a change in algorithm of operation is beneficial also for the mental state of a surgeon.

history of surgery, pain, combustion, Avicenna, Abulkasis, Ambroise Paré
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