The National Idea in the Conservative Revolution During the Years of Weimar Republic
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The National Idea in the Conservative Revolution During the Years of Weimar Republic
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Sergey Artamoshin 
Affiliation: Petrovski Bryansk State University
Address: Russian Federation, Bryansk
Oleg Terekhov
Affiliation: Kemerovo State University
Address: Russian Federation, Kemerovo

The article discusses the idea of the national idea in the ideology of the German conservative revolution during the Weimar Republic in Germany. The authors also analyze this issue in historiography. The search for a new substantiation of the national idea of the German nation after the First World War became a key moment in the phenomenon of the conservative revolution. Using the examples of the intellectual activity of its three leading ideologists O. Spengler, A. Möller van den Brook and E. Junger, it is shown that in the conservative revolution there was no unity in the formulation and understanding of the national idea. This was due to the difference in their political views. However, the idea that the future German state should be based on the principles of national unity was common to all. It is also noted that these representations of the conservative revolution about the national idea and their qualitative characteristics have been repeatedly considered in historiography. It is concluded that the intellectual and ideological diversity of the conservative revolution, which was acutely felt by its representatives and did not allow to create a certain unified ideological platform, is its fundamental characteristic, including on the issue of the national idea, which was confirmed by subsequent historiographical studies of this phenomenon German history.

The Conservative Revolution, The National idea, The Historiography
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