Daily Life during War in the Vendée: the Reflection of Peasantry and Nobility Interaction in Memoires of the Participants
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Daily Life during War in the Vendée: the Reflection of Peasantry and Nobility Interaction in Memoires of the Participants
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Valentina Gribanova 
Affiliation: State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

There are numerous memoires left by the witnesses and the participants of the Vendeen rebellion where detailed picture of military actions and daily life are given. With the detailed analysis of these sources day-to-day interaction between peasants and nobleman is identified as one of the main subject of those days. People of these classes were connected by special bounds, common for this very region which influenced on military organization, battles and daily life of the rebellion. To the contrary, analysis of the memoires reveals as well various contradictions, existed between peasantry and nobility.

French revolution of the 18th century, war in the Vendee, memoires
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