Siege of Lyon 1793: Information War and Mutual Representations of Opponents about Each Other
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Siege of Lyon 1793: Information War and Mutual Representations of Opponents about Each Other
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Maria Tchepourina 
Affiliation: State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article examines the history of the formation of the image of the city of Lyon in 1793, after the anti-Jacobin revolution took place there. The author considers the efforts of the new city authorities aimed at the formation of their republican image and their attempts to refute their counter-revolutionary imagecreated by the Convention, as well as the ideas of the Lyon’s inhabitants about the Paris Jacobins. At the same time, the activities of the Commissioners of the Convention are examined, according to the reports of which the negative idea of Lyon in Paris was first formed, and who then conducted targeted campaigning against Lyon in the provinces. The particular attention is paid to correspondence between the Lyon leaders and the commanders of the Convention forces in the early days of the siege (September 1793), when active hostilities had not yet begun. The author concludes that both Lyon and Paris lined up the images of themselves and of the opponents on the basis of the political culture of the Enlightenment and equally suspected each other of royalism. But, speaking the same language, they did not understand each other.

the French revolution of the 18th century, the Lyon uprising of 1793, political propaganda, the image of the “Enemy”
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