Suicides in the Vorontsov Сorps in France 1815—1818: Examples and Causes
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Suicides in the Vorontsov Сorps in France 1815—1818: Examples and Causes
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Valentina Bolt 
State Academic University for the Humanities
Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article considers the problem of soldier suicides in the Russian occupation corps under the command of the Count Mikhail Vorontsov, which was a part of the Occupation Coalition Army, located in the north-east of France in 1815—1818 according the terms of the Paris Peace Treaty concluded at November 20, 1815. The author basing on the reports of the investigative commissions that studied the details of such incidents and also on the eyewitness accounts, tryed to analyze the main motives that pushed the soldiers to take their own lives, as well as modes of suicides and the reaction of the command to this phenomenon.

military-historical anthropology, occupation of France in 1815—1818, Mikhail Vorontsov's corps, Russia, suicide
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