“The Jacobin Clique”: Reflections on the Private Committee’s Membership
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“The Jacobin Clique”: Reflections on the Private Committee’s Membership
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Yulia Ariskina 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article, which is based on a wide-ranging historical and theoretical material, examines the motives for involving the members of the Private Committee (Neglasny komitet) to the reforms of Alexander I of Russia. At the beginning of his reign, members of the St. Petersburg-based political elite competed with each other to influence the young emperor. The groups of high-ranking officials striving for control over governmental affairs were represented by two state institutions — the Permanent Council and the Governing Senate. However, it was the Private Committee, the circle of emperor’s “young friends”, that spearheaded reforms in Alexander’s early reign. The author comes to the conclusion that Alexander’s choice of the Private Committee members was not accidental as they shared a common set of qualities and were the only people from emperor’s milieu whom he trusted.

Alexander I, Private Committee, Pavel Stroganov, Victor Kotchubey, Nickolas Novosiltsev, Adam Czartoryski, Frederic Cezar La Harpe
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