A Game on Two Fronts: the Mission of Captain Sadoul in Russia (1917—1924 )
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A Game on Two Fronts: the Mission of Captain Sadoul in Russia (1917—1924 )
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Ksenia Bespalova 
Affiliation: Ural Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg

The article discusses the stay of the French captain Jacques Sadoul in Russia and in Europe during the Russian Revolution and the Civil War. Based on the “Affair of the French Communist Jacques Sadoul”, the tasks assigned to the captain and their implementation in the service of the French military mission are analyzed. His campaigning activities under the Bolsheviks, both as part of the French Communist group and independently, were also investigated. The author concludes that Jacques Sadoul served both the French opposition and the Bolshevik government at the same time, being a double agent in the service of the Comintern.

Russian revolution, Jacques Sadoul, Civil war, Comintern
Источник финансирования
The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 19-39-90025 «The activity of the French communistic group in Moscow: a promotion of the ideas of the Bolshevism and evolution of views of its participants (1917 — the middle of the 1930th)».
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