The Historical Memory of the War of 1812 among Latvians in the Middle of the 19th — Beginning of the 20th Century
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The Historical Memory of the War of 1812 among Latvians in the Middle of the 19th — Beginning of the 20th Century
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Yulia Mikhailova 
Institute of World History RAS
State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The author shows the formation of historical memory of the war of 1812 among Latvians in the Russian Empire. In the beginning and middle of the 19th century this was very much influenced by the Baltic Germans who published historical works in both German and Latvian. In the beginning of the 20th century began the new stage in the formation of the historical memory of the war of 1812 in the Baltic Provinces. That was a result of the political and social processes, taking place in the empire, national movement, national movement, as well as preparations for the celebration of the centenary. The regional press played a big role — Latvian newspapers and magazines published articles, where not only the general context of the events but also their “own” history of the war with Napoleon was described. Two simultaneous processes took place: on the one hand, the war in the Baltic region fit into the general context of events, on the other — local, “own” history was brought to the forefront, a regional narrative was formed. The significance of the war in the territory of the region and the contribution in a common victory were emphasized. The relationship between the war — the confrontation of two great powers — and the peace, the everyday life of Latvian peasants, who were forced to endure its hardships, interact with the occupying forces, on the one hand, and local authorities who collaborated with the French, on the other, was brought to the fore.

the Patriotic War of 1812, the War of 1812 in the Baltic Provinces, defence of Riga in 1812, historical memory, the centenary of the war of 1812, the Latvian press and journalism
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