The Mission of the Russian Red Cross Society (the Old Organization) and a Private Charity in Latin America in the 1920s and 1930s
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The Mission of the Russian Red Cross Society (the Old Organization) and a Private Charity in Latin America in the 1920s and 1930s
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Marina Moseykina 
Affiliation: RUDN University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to charity among the Russian emigration in Latin America in the 1920s and 1930s. Based on the analysis of archival documents and published sources (emigrant journalism, memoirs, periodicals), the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, the national branches of the Russian Red Cross Society (old organization), the Foreign Union of Russian Military Invalids, individuals in the field of charity are revealed, its features are revealed. It is shown that the main group of people who were assisted by most charitable organizations were traditionally war invalids, low-income people, the elderly, children and youth. The author concludes that, along with general features, Russian charity in Latin America had its own regional traits due to the peculiarities of the adaptation processes of Russian emigrants in these countries, which influenced the degree of effectiveness of support measures and social protection of compatriots abroad.

history of charity, socio-economic adaptation, Russian Red Cross Society, charitable organizations, history of Russian emigration in Latin Аmerica
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