The Second Death of Andreas Hofer? Peculiarities of the Evolution of Historical Memory on the Tyrolean Uprising of 1809
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The Second Death of Andreas Hofer? Peculiarities of the Evolution of Historical Memory on the Tyrolean Uprising of 1809
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Alexandre Tchoudinov 
State Academic University for the Humanities
Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the problem of formatting of historical memory in modern Austria and Northern Italy about the anti-Napoleonic Tyrolean uprising of Andreas Hofer in 1809. The nowadays dominant trend became evident during the celebrations marking the 210th anniversary of Hofer’s death. The content of the commemorations permits to suppose that the official propaganda of the European Union is gradually managing to adapt the image of the leader of the Tyrolean people's movement to the liberal values of a United Europe, eliminating his previously pronounced nationalist and religious overtones. Today, Andreas Hofer is presented far more as a folklore brand of Tyrol, one of personages of the mass culture of the society of consumption, rather than, as ever, an inspiring example of uncompromising struggle for traditional values. Thus, the European establishment is gradually trying to put an end to the second political life of this historical figure, which began immediately after the First World War and lasted for a century, during which his name served as a symbol of the struggle for the reunification of Tyrol divided in 1918.

historical memory, the Tyrolean uprising of 1809, Andreas Hofer, anti-Napoleonic popular movement
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