The Specifics of Russian Charity Traditions in Manchuria
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The Specifics of Russian Charity Traditions in Manchuria
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Maria Krotova 
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

On the basis of unpublished sources, the article considers the specifics of charitable activities in Manchuria, connected with the presence of the Chinese-Eastern railway (CER) in this region and the peculiarities of the Russian colony. The article reflects such subjects as the reproduction of Russian traditions of charity by Soviet representatives working for the CER, as well as the Chinese and Japanese, considered the methods of fundraising and specific forms of support to the emigrants in need. The author attempts to explore different aspects of emigration life through the prism of charitable activities, reconstruct strategies of survival and self-preservation, to analyze different scenarios of its behavior.

Russian emigration, Manchuria, Chinese Eastern railway (CER), China, Japan, charity
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