“As Ambassadors of the Princes of the Embassy Rule, the Prince at that Time, does Hat?” The Question of “Diplomatic Difficulties” of the Russian Embassy I. A. Zhelyabuzhsky to Venice in 1662
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“As Ambassadors of the Princes of the Embassy Rule, the Prince at that Time, does Hat?” The Question of “Diplomatic Difficulties” of the Russian Embassy I. A. Zhelyabuzhsky to Venice in 1662
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Marina Tretyakova 
Affiliation: Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod
Address: Russian Federation, Nizhni Novgorod

The article is devoted to differences in the diplomatic ceremonies in the countries of Western Europe, particularly Venice, and the Russian state. The center of attention the incident with the Corno Ducale, occurred in the period of the Embassy of the I. A. Zhelyabuzhsky to Venice in 1662, the essence of which was that the Russian envoy insisted on the need to remove the headdress of the Doge during the audience when pronouncing the name of the Russian Tsar. The Russian Ambassador did not want to accept the assurances of the Venetian side that Corno Ducale was not removed by the Doge under any circumstances. In the end, I. A. Zhelyabuzhsky had to recognize the rules of the Venetian Protocol. The author of the article concludes that, despite similarities in the diplomatic etiquette of the countries of Western Europe and Russia in the 17th century, the differences between them has led to difficulties in the performance of the diplomatic missions of the Russian envoy in Western Europe.

Venice, XVII century, corno ducale, Ivan Zhelyabuzhsky
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