Public Diplomacy at World War II: First Experience of the Three-Party USSR-UK-US Cross-Cultural Communication
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Public Diplomacy at World War II: First Experience of the Three-Party USSR-UK-US Cross-Cultural Communication
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Dmitry Surzhik 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article examines the main elements of public diplomacy, which were manifested during the information and propaganda work of the central propaganda departments of the “Grand Alliance” countries during the Second World War. The author makes an attempt to trace the features of the development and activities of each of these institutions, as well as to study their interaction. The author shows the development of relations within the anti-Hitler coalition along the path of exchanging propaganda materials. Domestic and foreign researchers are still giving this direction unfairly little attention, because until late autumn of 1942 (during the most difficult periods of the Second World War) it had an important role: to show the common struggle, to create a “feeling of elbow” and thereby strengthen the moral — fighting spirit in the strategic rear of the countries of the “grand alliance”.

public diplomacy, agitation, propaganda, World War II, Great Patriotic War, Great Britain, USSR, USA, Ministry of Information, Soviet Informbureau, Office of War Information
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