Customs in England and Russia in the 16th Century (on the Development of Trade Relations and Merchant's Law)
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Customs in England and Russia in the 16th Century (on the Development of Trade Relations and Merchant's Law)
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Yulia Tsareva 
Affiliation: The Russian Presidental Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article presents a comparative analysis of the systems of customs duties in Russia and England in the 16th century. This period is particularly significant, because it was then that the main concepts of the state customs policy — mercantilism and protectionism — were born. The article analyzes the general and specific features of the system of customs payments, and also identifies differences in the trade policy of the English state. In England, customs duties are one of the main sources of income of the royal treasury and also they are an integral part of the ordinary Crown prerogative. The author tried to smooth out from the political background of the trade relations established between England and Russia and explain some diplomatic disruptions by the difference in mentality of Russians and Englishmen.

customs, tonnage, poundage, subsidy on wool, Parliament, Carta Mercantoria
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