The Good Wife’s Guide (“Le Ménagier de Paris”) (14th Century) and Russian “Domostroy” (16th Century): Common and Special Features in the Confession Practice as an Everyday Life Form
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The Good Wife’s Guide (“Le Ménagier de Paris”) (14th Century) and Russian “Domostroy” (16th Century): Common and Special Features in the Confession Practice as an Everyday Life Form
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Margarita Kouzmina 
Affiliation: Institute of World History, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is dedicated to the analysis of one everyday life aspect which has reflected in two historical sources. They belong to different regions and to different historical periods, but to generic macrocivilization. The external resemblance of both written monuments (structure, content) is not, however, a certain sign both of their identity and the result of random similarity. We have to make a comparative analysis to confirm or refute their genetic resemblance. One of the basis for the comparison is the belonging both of written monuments to the Christian culture, in what are incorporated two traditions — catholic and orthodox. The criterion for the analysis became a confessional practice in which a specificity of the culture traditions of medieval France and Russia is reflected.

comparative analysis, historical source, Christian ethics, Catholic, Orthodoxy, confession
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