Russophobia of the British in 16th — the First Third of the 18th Centuries: Sources, Reasons, Investigations
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Russophobia of the British in 16th — the First Third of the 18th Centuries: Sources, Reasons, Investigations
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Tatyana Labutina 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The author of article addresses the emergence problem which is scarcely studied in historical science in cross-cultural communication of the British and Russians of such phenomenon as xenophobia. Within the innovative direction of an imagologiya the reasons of russophobia of British (ignorance by them of language, history of the Russian state and also customs of its inhabitants) which led to incorrect formation of ethnic images of the Russian people and state’s system of the country are analyzed. The main stages in development of russophobia in England throughout the 16th — 18th centuries are traced. The author comes to conclusion: in Great Britain the russophobia artificially was modelled and went the political elite creating from Russia an image of the enemy for the only purpose — to achieve elimination of the economic and political competitor in Europe.

Great Britain, Russia, 16th — 18th century, ethnic stereotypes, xenophobia, russophobia, imagologiya
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