“For Anti-Imperialist Solidarity, Peace and Friendship!”: Stages and Peculiarities of Development of the World Festivals of Youth and Students (1947—2017)
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“For Anti-Imperialist Solidarity, Peace and Friendship!”: Stages and Peculiarities of Development of the World Festivals of Youth and Students (1947—2017)
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Oleg Bodrov 
Affiliation: Kazan Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Kazan
Almaz Zakirov
Affiliation: Kazan Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Kazan
Izmail Sharifzhanov
Affiliation: Kazan Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Kazan

The article analyzes the seventy-year path of development of the international festival youth movement, which has become one of the main socio-political tools of the socialist bloc in the confrontation with world imperialism. Youth policy is an integral part of the state policy both within the country and abroad. The methodology, content and periodization of The world festivals of youth and students, as well as the features of the programs at each historical stage are revealed. The basic philosophy of the festival remained unchanged: the ideals of peace, friendship of peoples, international solidarity, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist struggle. The interrelation of festivals with the international processes that took place after the Second world war is shown.

world festivals of youth and youth forums, the anti-capitalist movement, anti-imperialist and anti-war criticism, the youth, socialist and national-democratic values
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