The Ancient Myth of the Amazons in Russian Political Ideology in the late 18th Century
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The Ancient Myth of the Amazons in Russian Political Ideology in the late 18th Century
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Larisa Selivanova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

European cultural heritage in the late 18th century has traditionally been associated with classicism, which borrowed its subjects from classical mythology. The myth of the Amazons was exceptionally popular during that period. This articles questions the usual interpretation of the reception of antiquity in Russia in exclusively aesthetical terms, by examining the reasons for and the ways in which the myth of the Amazons was used in Russian politics after Catherine II (the Great) joined the Crimea to Russia in the late 18th century. The author dwells specifically on the evidence about a female military unit, which Prince Grigory A. Potemkin organized in the Crimea. The foreign envoys, who accompanied Catherine II during her Crimean journey in 1787, were greatly impressed to see these “genuine” Amazons. The author employs this evidence to show how ancient myths, including that of the Amazons, were reinterpreted and used for ideological purposes in the interests of upholding Catherine II’s personal rule and strengthening the power of the Russian Empire.

Russian foreign policy, the travel of Catherine II to the Crimea in 1787, the myth of the Amazons
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