Foreign Policy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1830—1850: Priorities and Peculiarities
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Foreign Policy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1830—1850: Priorities and Peculiarities
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Galina Shatokhina-Mordvintseva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article deals with the issue of choice of a foreign policy course by the Kingdom of the Netherlands after the separation of the southern provinces from the Netherlands as a result of the Belgian revolution of 1830. It traces the main directions of Dutch foreign policy during this period, the kingdom’s relations with Great Britain, Prussia, France, Russian Empire and Japan, the Netherlands’ neutral politics during the Crimean War. For the first time in the national historiography, attention is paid to the personality of Floris van Hull, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands in 1853—1856.

Kingdom of the Netherlands, foreign policy, Great Britain, Prussia, Russia, France, Belgium, Japan, Floris Adrian van Hall, Crimean War, neutrality
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