From Versaille to Locarno: Belgium in the System of International Relations after World War I
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From Versaille to Locarno: Belgium in the System of International Relations after World War I
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Aleksandra Khorosheva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The author analyses the first phase of the external policy of Belgium from Paris Peace Conference 1919—1920 until Locarno Treaties signed in 1925. The main object of the Belgian diplomacy during this period was to confirm the abolishment of the perpetual neutrality and obtain new guarantees of national security. The results were encouraging for Belgium: she became member of the League of Nations, signed a military agreement with France, participated in Locarno Treaties, which gave her liberty in choosing allies and confirmation of collective security, so necessary for a small power.

Belgium, international relations, Paris Peace Conference, Ligue of Nations, Locarno Treaties
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