A Church of Saint Sabbas in Heiti Architecture as a Primary Source
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A Church of Saint Sabbas in Heiti Architecture as a Primary Source
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Olga Barashko 
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article discusses the history of the construction of the church of St. Sabbas in Kheiti village, located in the middle stream of the Big Liahvi river. The text describes in detail the current state of the monument, proposes the reconstruction of the original forms, and highlights the main stages of construction. The architecture of this monument, as well as stylistically and technically similar ecclesiastical buildings appears as the main primary source for the history of territories of the historical region Shida-Kartli (northern part of Eastern Georgia) in the 10th c., linking insignificant information from the main annalistic monument of Georgia — Kartlis Tskhovreba with epigraphic material in the form of building and funeral inscriptions on churches in the upper streams of Liahvi and Ksani rivers. A comparative analysis of the monuments of local ecclesiastical architecture, as well as neighboring regions, suggests the organization of a certain construction policy of the governors of the Abkhaz king, who controlled the territories in the gorges of the Big Liahvi and Ksani rivers, a large feudal family of Tbeli. Churches that were built under their supervision can be combined into a homogeneous group, that uses specific building techniques, both functional and decorative, based on the local traditions of earlier monuments, but transformed through the use of patterns common throughout the South Caucasus region (neighboring Georgian state formations, as well as Armenia). The author of the article also draws attention to the purpose of the church (monastery, parish or house), not least affecting the decision regarding the type and general appearance of the building.

medieval Georgia, church architecture, Abkhazia, epigraphy, the Tbelis
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