Everyday Life of the Late Byzantine Imperial Court Viewed by the Contemporary
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Everyday Life of the Late Byzantine Imperial Court Viewed by the Contemporary
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Tatiana Kushch 
Affiliation: Ural Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg

The Imperial court was the center of political life of the Byzantine Empire. It was the place where the Emperor, government departments, bureaucracy and the highest nobility were concentrated. The informal life of the Byzantine court, unlike its ceremonial life, is poorly studied by scientists. This article is devoted to the study of the daily life of the Imperial court of the time of the Palaeologoi dynasty and court manners. The main sources are historical and epistolary writings of Byzantine authors and reports of European travelers. Using the methods of historical anthropology, the author of the article studies the specifics of the Palace life, especially the work of court services, court etiquette, as well as characterizes the manners of the official elite and the rules of life at court.

Late Byzantium, Imperial Palace, Daily Life of the Court, Palace Etiquette
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