The Papal Curia of the Avignon Period in the Context of the Formation of a Modern State
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The Papal Curia of the Avignon Period in the Context of the Formation of a Modern State
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Valeriy Sanzharov 
Affiliation: Donetsk National University

The article examines the process of structuring the bureaucratic field of the ecclesiastical authority of the Avignon period. The papal curia is the administrative, ideological and political center of the Christian world and at the same time the consolidated power group. The process of bureaucratization and complication of the administrative apparatus increased the power capabilities of popes. Ceremonial, legal, diplomatic, documentary and cultural practices of the Papal Curia promote making the “court society”, designing and institutionalizing its norms and rules. The dispersion of power, specific to the Middle Ages, is manifested in an insufficiently clear specialization of departments and services: for example, the Сollege of Сardinals has its own cardinal court and treasury service. The curial community appears as a corporation, formally constituted, with a certain legal status, social and symbolic hierarchy, included in the public curial space. The role curial community is determined by the exclusivity of its position in close proximity to the pope and the direct participation in power. 

papal curia, court community, college of cardinals, vice chancellor, camerary, primaty, legat, nuncio
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