Russian-Dutch Diplomatic Relations 1613—1618: the Role of Corporate Ties
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Russian-Dutch Diplomatic Relations 1613—1618: the Role of Corporate Ties
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Rybina Ekaterina 
Affiliation: Independent Researcher
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and the Netherlands is a rather unusual case in the history of diplomacy and international relations. A number of difficulties in an establishment of communication were caused by the striking dissimilarity of the two political cultures, Russian and Dutch. From Moscow's perspective, the political and diplomatic sphere was a closed space, all cases were discussed and resolved in the departments of the Central administration, the procedure for performing actions in this field was strictly controlled by the Ambassadorial order. In this respect, the Republic of the United Provinces was characterized by much greater flexibility and openness of both information and political space. The peculiarities of the Netherlands' political and social institutions and practices played a decisive role in the history of Russian-Dutch diplomatic relations. Concerning the beginning of the 17th century, when diplomatic relations were at the stage of formation, it was the corporate ties of the Dutch merchants' society and the mechanisms of their operations, that proved to be the key factor which has determined not only the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two states but also the peculiarities of this process. The article attempts to reconstruct the network of corporate ties relevant to the subject and to demonstrate the importance of private initiative of trade circles in the development of Russian-Dutch diplomacy.

diplomatic history, 17th-century Russia, the Republic of the United Provinces, Embassy order, merchantry, corporate ties
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