Redactions of the “Octateuch” in the “Complete Chronographic Palaea” (according to the “Book of Genesis”)
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Redactions of the “Octateuch” in the “Complete Chronographic Palaea” (according to the “Book of Genesis”)
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Tatiana Vilkul 
Affiliation: Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Address: Ukraine, Kiev

The “Complete Chronographic Palaea” is an important Old Russian chronographic compilation, which contributes much to the understanding of the transmission of the Old Slavonic biblical texts. The “Complete Palaea” was compiled in the late 14th or the early 15th century and includes material from the preceding “Palaea Interpretata”, excerpts from the translation of the “Octateuch”, Byzantine chronicles, apocrypha, as well as some fragments of Old Russian chronicles. As for its biblical and parabiblical sources, the inclusions from the “Pentateuch” and the “Octateuch” are of particular interest. Today three redactions of the Old Slavonic translation of the “Pentateuch” and the “Octateuch” are known: Chronographic (Chr.), South Slavonic (SSl), and Russian (RU). It was established as early as in the late 19th century that the “Complete Palaea” follows the readings of the Russian redaction (which is represented by the largest number of MSS). Recently it has been argued that one of the main manuscripts of the “Complete Palaea” contains the Table of Contents to the “Pentateuch” of the Russian Redaction with Jewish glosses and interpretations (RU-HEBR), which is absent from the other two groups of manuscripts of the Russian redaction. However, a textual comparison of both versions shows that none of the glosses and variants from the translation of the Massoret text, characteristic to the RU-HEBR’s group, has passed into the “Complete Palaea”. Moreover, as the fragments of the text of the “Genesis” that have been included into “Palaea” show, they often differ significantly from the characteristic readings of RU as a whole. At the same time, “Palaea’s” version is close to another version — namely, the Chronographic Redaction, and mostly to the group of the Trinity Pentateuch in it. What is interesting, it is that the Chronographic Redaction often preserves archaic readings, while the Russian one introduces innovations. A non-systematic collation with the Greek original in the “Complete Chtonographic Palaea” is also traceable. Borrowings from the “Genesis” might indicate the contamination of two manuscript families either.

Old Rus’, textual criticism, medieval chronicles, chronographs, “Palaea”, “Pentateuch”, “Octateuch”
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