Warmian Lieges in the State of Teutonic Order in 1238—1370
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Warmian Lieges in the State of Teutonic Order in 1238—1370
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Sergey Denisov 
Affiliation: Institute of Archaeology RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the composition and functions of Prussian from Warmia on the service of Order or bishop in 1238—1370, who supported the formation of the new political and social system in this region. To research this problem, little studied in historiography, were used comparative–historical, typological and prosopographical methods. By studying acts and chronicle, it became possible to define three groups of lieges, who differed from each other by duties and number. The main part of  them were obliged to hold military service, to build and repair fortresses and/or to pay taxes. Their military functions were to defense borders of diocese, that was due to the Lithuanians invasions. The less part of Prussians was free from the military service and was obliged only to pay taxes related the church’s needs in 1334—1356. Among the representatives of three groups were observed accumulation of land property by single persons, participation in foundation of new settlement, on the one hand, and reduction of the property’s size and deterioration of its quality, on the other hand. To ensure the stable land tenure of Prussians Order and bishops used a number of measures: expanding of heirs composition, compensation in the case of property damage, the right to use nearby area, exemption from service and taxes for 2–9 years, permission to sell land property.

liege, Warmia, bishop, land tenure, Order, Teutonic state, military service, building of fortresses, tax, diocess
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