Stadial Classification of Historical Types of Political Culture, According to the System-Communication Approach
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Stadial Classification of Historical Types of Political Culture, According to the System-Communication Approach
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Alikber K. Alikberov 
Affiliation: Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the classification of historical types of political culture in the framework of a new system-communication approach, taking into account their staged gradation from archaic tribal forms to complex civil and cosmopolitan forms. The author contrasts the new emerging communicative approach with the functional approach, which G. Almond and S. Verba used to study this topic, and opposes the idealization of some models (in this case, Western ones) to the detriment of others and opposing different cultures to each other. Instead of the triad of Almond and Verba (parish, citizenry and activist), the author identifies 6 types of political culture in history: 1) patriarchal (“potestar”), 2) tribal (“leader”), 3) fellow-country (“parochial”), 4) subservient (“monarchical”), 5) civil and 6) cosmopolitan.

political culture, system-communication approach, functional approach, G. Almond, S. Verba
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