Soviet-Norwegian Relations in the Context of Image of Norway Transformation in the Soviet Press During the Cold War (on the Material of the Newspaper “Pravda”)
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Soviet-Norwegian Relations in the Context of Image of Norway Transformation in the Soviet Press During the Cold War (on the Material of the Newspaper “Pravda”)
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Oksana Zaretskaya 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk

In the period from the end of the 1940s to the beginning of the 1980s the USSR-Norway relations, as well as in general, international relations, developed under the influence of the Cold War. The confrontation of two blocs acquired a direct influence on the Soviet-Norwegian relations since 1949 after Norway joined NATO, as a result of which the countries found themselves in opposing camps. The article highlights and analyzes the main stages of the Soviet-Norwegian relations during the Cold War and the image of Norway, which was formed in the Soviet press in the aforementioned years, under the influence of changes in relations between the two countries from 1949 to 1985, during the period when the Soviet leadership had to build a special model of relationswith Norway, based on the initial duality: on the one hand, the development of cooperation, the establishment of friendly contacts, and on the other hand, understanding  the fact that Norway was a participant of hostile organization. The Norwegian government, in turn, guided by the goals of maintaining cooperation with the USSR, secured a “special” position within NATO.

USSR, Norway, “Pravda” newspaper, Soviet-Norwegianrelations, coldwar, image of Norway, NATO
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